What People Are Saying

"I love Stewart and Claire. She’s an editor at Food and Wine and he’s a musician and they live in Brooklyn and make these lip balms themselves, and they smell amazing. I’m obsessed with Old Fashioned. It smells like cedar, bitter orange, vanilla, and a little black pepper—but it’s not offensively fragrant." --Alessandra Codinha, Into the Gloss

Bare is "The world’s most perfect lip balm. It makes your lips sheeny, not shiny, and has absolutely neutral scent."--Jeni Britton Bauer, Jeni's Splendid Ice Cream

"I´ve always had a lot of problems with my skin since I was born, and in 26 years I´ve never found anything that could work on my lips until last summer, when my good friend gave me a lip balm from Stewart & Claire. From the first use of your lip balms, my skin started to feel a lot smoother and I was amazed by the product."- Alexandra, a happy customer in Iceland